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Congress approves strict Russia sanctions, forces decision on Trump

28 July 2017

Congress gave final approval Thursday to a package of strict sanctions punishing Russia for its cyberintrusions in last year’s elections, delivering a challenge to President Trump, who had sought flexibility to negotiate his own deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The White House has been coy on whether Mr. Trump will sign the sanctions bill, which also includes new penalties against Iran and North Korea. Newly minted communications director Anthony Scaramucci said Mr. Trump may veto the bill and write tougher language himself, the Washington Post reports.

But Congress likely would override his veto. The package cleared the House on Tuesday on a 419-3 vote and won passage in the Senate on Thursday on a 98-2 vote.

“The last eight months, what price has Russia paid for attacking American democracy? Very little. This legislation would begin to change that,” said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican. “The United States of America needs to send a strong message to Vladimir Putin and any other aggressor that we will not tolerate attacks on our democracy.”

The Russia sanctions codify a series of penalties President Obama imposed during his final months in office, letting the Treasury Department block property and other dealings of Russian entities and individuals the U.S. has accused of unsettling activity.

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