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What does the Government plan to do to increase gas production? (infographics)

26 November 2018

In October, the Government updated its Action Plan to implement the Concept for the Development of Ukraine's Gas Extractive Industry by 2020. The updated Action Plan aims to increase the transparency of the gas industry and improve the quality of its regulation.

What does the Government plan to do to increase gas production? (infographics)

Among other things, the updated Action Plan provides for:

- Transition to an electronic format for the exchange of information between mining companies and authorities;

- Creation of a portal with access to information about Ukrainian resources;

- Improvement of the tariff policy on services of the operator of the gas transmission network;

- Activation of open auctions for the sale of special permits and the introduction of an electronic payment system for them using a digital signature;

- Development of a new revision of the Code on the Subsoil;

- Reforming the Public Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine (State Geonadra);

- The introduction of a motivating fiscal regime (5% of rent for the extraction of hydrocarbons from non-traditional clusters), and much more.

The DiXi Group Analytical Centre has prepared an infographic, which details the steps of the Action Plan, for which they should be made, the deadline for implementation and responsible people. The material was prepared within the framework of the project "Improving the management of natural resources in the mining sector through participation in the implementation of the Action Plan in pursuance of the Concept for the development of the Ukrainian gas exploration industry by 2020" under the auspices of the Institute for Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI).

We recall that the draft amendments to the Action Plan were prepared by a working group with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Public Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, the European Business Association, the Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine, PJSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya", the EBRD and the involved experts. The work on the document incorporates the Road Map for Resource Governnce Policy Reform, developed by the DiXi Group under the auspices of the NRGI.

In 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Concept for the development of Ukraine's gas industry by 2020. During this time, gas production in Ukraine should grow to 27.6 billion m3 gas per year (total extraction of state and private companies).

The action plan to implement the updated concept will make it possible to increase investment attractiveness and facilitate business in the mining industry.

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