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Up to 18 hours without light: the UN made a forecast for winter in Ukraine

20 September 2024

Winter will be difficult

Power outages from 4 to 6 p.m. every day - experts of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the UN monitoring mission predict such a winter.

IEA General Director Fatih Birol noted in his report that Ukraine's energy system has withstood the last two winters. However, this will be the toughest test.

The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine reports that in the winter in Ukraine, power outages will last from 4 to 18 hours every day. People across the country will face regular power outages. And any shelling that leads to even greater outages will have catastrophic consequences. This was stated by the head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, Danielle Bell. She believes that the consequences of the attacks will be long-lasting and require a comprehensive approach. "National and international partners must join forces to restore critical infrastructure and bring those responsible for the damage to justice," Bell stressed.

As "Ukrainian Energy" reported, the Pokrovsk community was partially left without electricity. The EU promised energy support to Ukraine.

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