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How many gas reserves does Ukraine have?

02 October 2024

The figure exceeds 12.4 billion cubic meters

On October 1, natural gas reserves in underground gas storages exceeded 12.4 billion cubic meters, according to ExPro calculations.

During the past heating season of 2023-2024, Ukraine used up to 6.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas from underground storage despite additional needs related to electricity generation.

This heating season, gas consumption, in particular for electricity generation, is expected to be at the level of the past. At the same time, due to the increased production of natural gas by Ukrgazvydobovanym and the additional resource of Ukrnaftoburinnia, the volumes of withdrawals by consumers are planned at a level lower than last season's indicators. So the accumulated resource in storage is enough to get through the winter.

Also, since the beginning of September, JSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" began to pump natural gas from Europe, which was purchased with EBRD funds - to create additional reserves for the winter. According to ExPro, during September, the company pumped up to 158 million cubic meters of natural gas into the "customs warehouse" of the Ukrainian PSG. This month, the volume of loading into the customs warehouse will increase.

As "Ukrainian Energy" wrote, Germany's budget committee approved a winter aid package for Ukraine's energy industry in the amount of 70 million euros.

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