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Smog enveloped the capital of Ukraine

20 September 2024

Air quality in Kyiv has significantly deteriorated

As of 2:00 p.m., the air quality in Kyiv is noticeably improving, but still remains above the norm, emphasized the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Svitlana Grynchuk.

She named forest fires and burning peat bogs as the reason for the smoke. Their main emissions are smoke components - fine particles PM2.5 (dust with a particle diameter of up to 2.5 microns) and PM10 (dust with a particle diameter of up to 10 microns).

Also, the appearance of smog is affected by seasonal temperature changes. Temperature inversions occur in autumn. They cause the accumulation of harmful substances in the surface layer of the air. Warm air and humidity lead to fog, harmful substances from various emission sources are almost not dispersed. This affects air quality and pollution indicators.

Currently, an excess of fine particles (dust, soot, smoke) is recorded in the air of Kyiv and its surroundings. On the other hand, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide are normal. The indicators should improve in the near future.

In order to reduce the negative impact on health during peatland fires and reduce the risk of developing serious diseases, it is necessary to observe the following safety measures:

⏺If possible, avoid being outdoors, especially during periods of intense smoke.
⏺Keep windows and doors closed to prevent smoke from entering the room.
⏺ Maintain water balance. Drink plenty of water.
⏺Use a mask or respirator, as well as an air purifier.
Use air purifiers.
⏺Do wet cleaning of premises.

As "Ukrainian Energy" reported, 5 regions are without electricity due to shelling.

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