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Energy complex of Ukraine: what is known about it?

02 October 2024

Evaluations and practices of consumers

According to the survey conducted by the Sociological group "Rating", 64% of respondents - residents of Ukraine at the time of the survey (September 20-23, 2024) had a stable supply of electricity. About 30% noted minimal outages, 4% face outages often, another 1% - constantly. At the same time, the worst situation is in the eastern regions: 13% of the surveyed residents of these regions report frequent outages.

64% of respondents know that nuclear power plants currently provide the largest share of electricity production in Ukraine. And 7% of respondents consider thermal power plants to be the main energy producers. Hydro and solar power plants are the main types of generation according to 6% of respondents, and wind power plants - 1%.

Almost 80% of respondents consider the development of nuclear power necessary (38% - definitely necessary, 40% - rather necessary). 12% of Ukrainians see it as rather unnecessary, 5% - unequivocally unnecessary.

The initiative to complete the completion of nuclear units at the Khmelnytskyi NPP is positively assessed by almost 80% of respondents (41% – quite positively, 36% – rather positively). Against such an initiative - 17%.

At the same time, the absolute majority of respondents (95%) support the idea of ​​increasing the share of electricity produced by alternative sources (SPP, wind turbines, etc.) in the overall energy structure of Ukraine.

Regarding energy consumption practices, 93% of respondents noted that they always pay their electricity bills on time. 6% pay bills on time from time to time, and 1% of respondents indicated that they do not pay for electricity on time.

Almost all respondents - 96% try to use electricity sparingly (74% try to do it always, and 22% - from time to time).

At the same time, 83% of the respondents consider it expedient to introduce monetary compensation for reducing electricity consumption in order to stimulate savings - this idea is more often supported by older people. 15% consider such an initiative unnecessary.

The sample population of the survey was 1000 respondents. Sociologists surveyed the population of Ukraine over the age of 18 in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, as well as territories where there is no Ukrainian mobile communication at the time of the survey. The results are weighted using current data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. 

As reported by "Ukrainian Energy", аs a result of the fighting, there are 654 villages without electricity. In particular, consumers in the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kherson, Odesa regions are without electri


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