On January 6, it is 5.6% higher than the previous business day
Today, January 6, electricity consumption, as of 9:30, was 5.6% higher than at the same time of the previous working day - Friday, January 3. This is reported by NPC Ukrenergo. They add that the increase in consumption is explained by a decrease in temperature in most regions, compared to the end of last week.
Yesterday, January 5, the daily maximum consumption was recorded in the evening. It was at the same level as the previous weekend.
Ukrenergo reminds that the Ukrainian power system is currently recovering after thirteen massive missile and drone attacks by the Russians over the past year. Emergency restoration work at energy facilities is ongoing. Power engineers are doing everything possible to restore damaged equipment and replace equipment destroyed by the enemy as soon as possible.
The situation in the power system may change. Follow the messages on the websites and official social media pages of your distribution system operator (oblenergo).
As reported by "Ukrainian Energy", Ukraine is ready to attract investments in renewable energy and the mining industry. This was announced by President Zelensky. Foreign investments in "green" energy and oil, gas and metals extraction will also provide income and jobs.