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A "user’s instruction" for the new gas market released for Ukrainian consumers

09 September 2020

The brochure explains how the new gas market operates and how to change a supplier.

DiXi Group’s website says.

"All household consumers are now able to freely choose the supplier from which to buy gas and at what price. The companies are now able to set sale prices themselves, and the consumer’s decision becomes the measure of success of their market offers. How to choose a supplier today? Where to look for gas price offers? What documents are required for that? Find the answers in the brochure prepared by DiXi Group,” the release says.

You can download Gas Market for Ukrainians. User’s Instruction here. The brochure contains a step-by-step instruction on how to change a gas supplier.

"Say, if you have already decided on the company from which you want to buy gas, you have to take three steps. Submit an application for connection to the new supplier (and other required documents). Receive a response from the new supplier. If your application is approved, the company will notify you in writing about the supply service commencement date. Receive the final bill from the previous supplier and settle it,” the brochure says.

It is worth reminding that per government resolution, beginning from 1 August 2020 all household consumers can freely choose the supplier from which to buy gas and at what price. And the companies can set sale prices themselves.

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