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The Council wants to improve the laws on electricity markets with the EU

03 October 2024

The goal is to create a legislative basis for the full integration of Ukraine into the single European electricity market

The Verkhovna Rada registered the project of the law "On Amendments to the Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Unification of the Electricity Markets of Ukraine and the European Union" No. 12087 dated October 2, 2024.

The main goal of the draft law is to create a legislative basis for the full market integration of Ukraine into the single European electricity market, in particular through the further implementation of the integration package of legislation of the Energy Community in the field of energy, the explanatory note to the document states.

The integration package includes 9 acts of EU legislation in the field of energy. Among them are the EU Directive on uniform rules of the internal electricity market, as well as EU Regulations in the energy sector.

Therefore, the specified project provides for the implementation of the provisions of the set of acts of the Energy Community into Ukrainian legislation by making changes to some laws of Ukraine, primarily to the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market".

The integration of the Ukrainian electricity market into the European energy market will help increase the security of electricity supply, which is extremely important in the conditions of damage to the energy infrastructure as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, the explanatory note says.

As "Ukrainian Energy" reported, Zelenskyi said that Russia is preparing strikes on the nuclear power plant. So far, the enemy is photographing the stations from satellites

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