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The EU is calling for a complete embargo on Russian LNG

20 September 2024

They also insist on new sanctions for Gazprom

The European Parliament called on the European Union to introduce a full embargo on Russian liquefied natural gas and sanctions against Gazprom and Russian oil companies. The corresponding appeal is contained in the resolution adopted the day before in Strasbourg during the plenary session of the European Parliament.

MEPs call for a full embargo on Russian liquefied natural gas and demand sanctions against Gazprom and Russian oil companies. The European Parliament calls on the EU to introduce a requirement to include Arc-7 ice-class vessels exporting Russian liquefied natural gas on the sanctions lists of the US and EU Foreign Assets Control Office. Thus they will be denied access to ports or western maritime services. Also, the EU and its member states should introduce targeted sanctions against sea vessels that Russia uses to circumvent sanctions on its oil and gas exports and maintenance of its energy projects in the Arctic.

In addition, the EP called for a ban on imports of Russian grain, potash fertilizers and fertilisers, as well as raw materials, including aluminium, steel products, uranium, titanium, nickel, wood and wood products, as well as gas and oil. The EP called for the introduction of sanctions against Russia's nuclear sector and against persons guilty of nuclear safety violations at the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

As "Ukrainian Energy" reported,  up to 18 hours without light: the UN made a forecast for winter in Ukraine


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