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How many criminal cases have been opened on the facts of ecocide of Russian

09 October 2024

The ecological consequences of Russian aggression are catastrophic

In Ukraine, 15 criminal cases have been opened on ecocide committed by Russian troops on the territory of our country.

The environmental consequences of constant terror by the troops of the aggressor state are colossal and have already resulted in more than $57 billion in environmental damage.

This was announced by Hanna Lichman, the head of the subcommittee on regulatory policy of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development, in her speech at the fall session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly held last week in Dublin, Ireland. "We are the first in the world to collect evidence of environmental crimes," the elected representative noted.

According to her, enemy forces violate international conventions, including the Chemical Weapons Convention, every day. They use gas grenades, chemically dangerous substances and occupied the largest nuclear power plant in Europe - Zaporizhzhya NPP. In her speech, the People's Deputy also emphasized that although Ukraine actively supports the European Green Deal, it faced record emissions of greenhouse gases.

During the two years of the full-scale invasion, emissions exceeded the annual emissions of 175 countries. This is equivalent to the continuous operation for a year of 90 million cars or 260 coal-fired power plants at 200 each.

"The ecological consequences of this war are catastrophic and require an immediate international response. Russia's daily terror proves that the current pressure is not enough. Today, it is more important than ever that the world does not remain silent," Hanna Lichman summarized.

As "Ukrainian Energy" reported, Minister of Foreign Affairs Andriy Sybiga called on more partner countries of Ukraine to join the patronage over one or another region.


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